
We have it! A grant agreement worth nearly EUR 100 million has been signed

We have it! A grant agreement worth nearly EUR 100 million has been signed

The Port of Gdansk Authority signed a grant agreement regarding the project: “Improving the Port of Gdańsk infrastructure and analysing the implementation of a low-carbon OPS system for the sustainable development of the TEN-T network.” For the implementation of this task, Port of Gdańsk Authority S.A. has received nearly EUR 100 million in funding from the Connecting Europe Facility for 2021-2027.

The investment includes the reconstruction of four quays in the Inner Port area: This means the Wiślane, Bytomskie, Rudowe III and Węglowe quays, with a total length of 1,916 m, along with the necessary underground and railway infrastructure.

Tender procedures are currently underway to select contractors for the construction works on these quays.

The project also envisages the preparation of an “Analysis of the implementation of the onshore ship power supply system in the Port of Gdańsk (OPS – Onshore Power Supply).” The study will involve: analysis of the state of use of OPS systems for supplying ships with electricity from shore, assessment of demand, as well as a plan to implement this technology in the Port of Gdańsk.

The project is scheduled for 2023–2027.


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.