The Port of Gdańsk is open to potential investors who wish to conduct business activities within the port area. Each land lessee must conduct activities that will have an impact on increasing port shipments. The following entities can become investors: companies or any groups consisting of capital institutions, contractors, operators, cargo administrators.
The Port of Gdańsk Authority concludes contracts with investors for the lease of land, which also govern the principles of use of the port infrastructure. These are usually long-term contracts, depending on the nature and size of the investment.
Most land plots have the capacity for ICT and telecommunications services and other necessary utilities.
We encourage potential investors to locate their projects within our port. We welcome investors who are ready to carry out a specific project by leasing selected areas with access to quays or the shore and who can then start an activity as an operator. They can also locate their production processes in the port area.
We guarantee the following to future investors:
- assistance and cooperation in obtaining all necessary permits,
- suitable lease rates during the construction and start-up phases,
- availability of port infrastructure,
- inclusion of new projects in the port area transport systems,
- connecting and supplying utilities to investment areas.
We encourage everyone interested in investing in the Port of Gdańsk to contact us.
See also:
Investment areas